


reality, unreality, language personality, dialogue, communication, utterance.


The article is devoted to the analysis of Donald Trump’s public statements presented in the famous book by Eaman Evans The World According To Trump (2016). The essence of these utterances turns out to contrast greatly with the actual state of affairs marked by the journalist’s comments. Such sentences or the whole fragments of Trump’s speech are qualified as unreal or illusory because they are not true to life. In this study, unreality is understood as an interpretation of the world that reflects such an image constructed by an individual or collective conceptual picture of the world that contradicts a cognized objective fragment of reality and is purely a subjective product of an individual’s or community’s imagination. The fictional reality does not reflect either true causal, associative, or statutory relationships within events, processes, etc., or the true essence of phenomena and objects. Such a world view has a genetic-psychological basis or can be formed from the culturally acquired skills of emotional or rational reactions to the world. These manifestations aim to “unload” the individual’s psyche, which rejects the unnecessary, unprofitable, wrong reality and constructs the proper image of it resulting in a comfortable psychological state. The concepts that function in the “rebuilt” structure of the desired image of the world inevitably find their verbalization in language and speech. Donald Trump lives in two worlds: real and unreal. Both are represented in his actions, including the verbal ones. In our case, the unreal world of the language personality is reflected by such units that express Trump’s excessive ego. The analyzed utterances represent two facts, firstly, in Trump’s opinion, he is opposed by the social world and thus he is in a constant struggle with it, and, secondly, he or his family members are better than other people in many respects in different spheres of reality. We have also fixed a tinge of the theatricalization of Donald Trump’s speech designed to receive political bonuses from the potential electorate.


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How to Cite

Borysov, O. O., & Vasylieva, O. H. (2024). THE UNREAL AND REAL WORLDS OF DONALD TRUMP’S EXISTENCE (ON THE MATERIAL OF THE BOOK THE WORLD ACCORDING TO TRUMP). Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 52–57.