


media text, media image, corpus analysis, frequency analysis, lexical-semantic field, lexical semantic group.


The objective of the research is to identify the lexical features that shape the media image of Ukraine in news texts. There is a lack of linguistic studies on Ukraine's media image in the American media during the U.S. presidential elections, despite its significance as a political tool, which became evident at the beginning of 2024. Thorough analysis of the media image requires significant time resources and a large volume of relevant data. Computer processing of texts allows linguists to collect the necessary information. The study is based on the corpus analysis of news texts dedicated to Ukraine, published during the pre-election period by sources catering to the supporters of the Democrats (The New York Times) and the Republicans (The Wall Street Journal). The compiled corpus of articles consists of 291,565 lexical units in 194 publications, which were used to analyze the thematic content of the news. Using statistical analysis in WordSmith 8.0 to process the extracted texts, the most frequently used (key) words were determined: war, Russia, military, forces, defense, drone, weapon, time, soldiers, president, officials, Biden, government, Zelensky, etc. Subsequently, the contexts in which these key words were used were analyzed using corpus analysis in the program Sketch Engine. The identified key words (93 units) were grouped into lexicalsemantic groups (LSGs) based on common semantic characteristics and considering the contexts, which reflect the reality fragments that are current for the American media: 1. LSG «Names of military actions» (22.6% of the number of key words), «Names of support acts» (21.5%), «Names of government (administration) representatives» (17.2%), «Names of weapons» (13.9%), «Names of adversaries» (12.8%), «Names of territories» (7.5%), «Names of citizens» (7.5%). The quantitative and qualitative parameters of the LSGs highlight their significance in the context of highlighting these aspects, which in turn emphasizes their importance for creating the media image of Ukraine. Understanding the role and significance of linguistic means in media texts can positively influence the creation or correction of the country's image abroad.


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How to Cite

Bondarenko, K. L., Burlaka, V. S., & Yershova, A. A. (2024). MEDIA IMAGE OF "UKRAINE" IN AMERICAN NEWS TEXTS: A CORPUS-BASED STUDY. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 45–51.