



oneiric space, Stepan Protsyuk, psychobiographical novel, dream, hallucination, Arkhip Teslenko.


The biographical novels of the contemporary Ukrainian writer Stepan Protsyuk about writers such as Vasyl Stefanyk, Volodymyr Vynnychenko, Arkhyp Teslenko, Hryhoriy Tyutyunnyk, and Ivan Franko are characterized by deep immersion into the inner world, factuality, documentary style, portrayal of characters through the prism of psychology and perception. The author successfully transforms the biographies of writers into psychobiographical novels by modelling the consciousness of the main characters, employing a wide spectrum of symbolic and imagery elements, as well as intertextual tools, to create a contemporary literary work. They combine factual narrative with profound psychoanalysis, using oneiric as a stylistic and compositional technique in text creation. The article presents a study of the oneiric space in S. Protsyuk's novel «The Black Apple», which is characterized by a wide range of dream elements such as actual dreams, fantasies, hallucinations, and dream visions. In the work, dreams are used as a stylistic and compositional technique for text creation, psychologising the space of the novel, and also as a marker of the internal disharmony of the main character of the novel Arkhip Teslenka. The protagonist's dream space is characterized by whimsical, mostly pathological dreams that express his pessimistic thoughts, prolonged depression, constant anxiety, numerous fears, and traumatized consciousness. The dreamlike in the novel serves as an undeniable carrier of suggestion, chthonic archetypal horror, represented in traditional psychoanalytic symbols (the black apple, Olena, mother), which the author presents for a deeper exploration of the artist's psyche. The psychologization of the text, intertextual insertions, especially those modeled by the chronotope using oneiric elements, form the basis of S. Protsyuk's idiostyle.


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How to Cite

Biliatska, V. P., & Daniuk, A. O. (2024). DREAMS AS A MARKER OF INNER DISHARMONY IN STEPHAN PROTSYUK’S NOVEL "BLACK APPLE". Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (209), 24–30. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-209-3