onomasticon, internetonym, social network, accountonym, loginonym.Abstract
The article proposes an onomastic terminology system for social networks and examines the features of the creation of proper names in the most popular of them. In the context of social networks, two key concepts are defined: accountonym (the name of the account) and loginonym (a unique identifier of a user designed for authorization and navigation in the system). The architecture of social networks differs, and they can be conditionally divided into three types: accountonym-centric, loginonym-centric, and mixed. Accountonym-centric social networks (e.g., Facebook) prioritize the name of the account, which is displayed in the user's profile. The loginonym in such systems plays a secondary role and is used in links. Loginonym-centric social networks (e.g., Instagram) focus on the unique user identifier. Accountonyms in such systems are optional. In mixed-type social networks (e.g., X), the accountonym occupies a prominent place in the user's profile, but the loginonym is used for navigation and tags. An analysis of the onomasticon of the most popular social networks in Ukraine showed that each of them has its own characteristics in the creation of accountonyms and loginonyms. In Facebook, anthroponymic accountonyms (real names and surnames) predominate, but there are also pseudonyms, bot and troll accounts, as well as ergonymic accountonyms (names of organizations, press, stores, etc.). In Instagram, accountonyms are optional, the main role belongs to loginonyms, which can only be formed using the Latin alphabet taking into account the requirement of uniqueness. In TikTok, the onomasticon is similar to Instagram, in LinkedIn official anthroponymic (without anonymity and nicknames) and ergonymic accountonyms dominate. In X, accountonyms are the most heterogeneous – from ordinary anthroponyms to complex phrases. Loginonyms in X are also generated in Latin script taking into account the requirement of uniqueness and can differ significantly from accountonyms.
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