translation, neologism, medical field, linguistics, technologies.Abstract
The article deals with the problem of translation of neologisms in the modern medical field. The translation of neologisms is a very relevant and interesting topic for research among linguists. Every year, various fields of science and technical developments contribute to the emergence of a large number of new lexical items. The medical industry is one of the most productive industries in this direction. New technical inventions, implantation, prosthetics, various new vaccines replenish the language with new words and abbreviations, which is of great interest to study. The emergence of artificial intelligence has given an even stronger impetus to the accelerated development of the medical field, and this, in turn, contributes to an even greater replenishment of the lexical component of languages around the world. New lexical units, formed not by a person, but by software, are of great interest for research. This is happening for the first time in the history of Linguistics, and this explains the interest of researchers. The appearance of 3D printers, the newest system of prosthetics, new vaccines – all these fields replenish the vocabulary of the language with hundreds of new words and abbreviations. This trend requires the availability of highly qualified translators who will be aware of the latest developments and research and will be able to perform accurate and adequate translation. This is extremely important in the modern world, because, in the conditions of globalization, countries constantly exchange experience in the medical field, many patients use the system of medical tourism when they travel to other countries for treatment, doctors undergo various international internships. And all of them require adequate and accurate translation of all subtleties in this field. After all, the life and health of a person depends on the accuracy of the translation, as well as the correct perception of the received information by a specialist and the subsequent use of this information. All these factors make the task of a translator working in the field of medicine extremely responsible and important, because errors or inaccuracies in translation can lead to dire consequences.
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