tourism industry, term, terminological field, interdisciplinary term, core, periphery, borrowingsAbstract
This article attempts to define and describe the main features of English tourism terminology. Approaches to the systematization of terminological vocabulary have also been considered. The extensive nature of tourism industry means that it includes a large number of interdisciplinary terms. Therefore, the terminology of tourism includes the terms of the hotel and restaurant business, the transport sector, the food industry, geography, the leisure industry, etc. All tourism terms are related to tourism organization, transportation organization, accommodation organization, catering organization and leisure organization. A significant feature of tourism terminology is that many terms are formed on the basis of commonly used vocabulary, which, acquiring additional semantic meanings, becomes specified in multi-component terminological phrases. Terminological system for a term is the field to which it belongs and within which it is implemented. Each terminological field contains its core and periphery. The terms that convey the greatest information load and are most relevant to the organization of tourism form the core of the terminological field. The terms that are related to the tourism industry only by differential semes form the periphery of the field. Interdisciplinary terms, which denote concepts of adjacent industries, such as transport or hotel and restaurant industries, belong to the nearer periphery, and general scientific terms form the farther periphery. There is a constant movement between terms in terminological field. The field can be divided into thematic groups, within which lexical-semantic groups are built. In tourism terminological system, 15 main thematic groups have been distinguished. It has been noted that English tourism terminology actively lends terms to other languages. Borrowings from English tourism terminology into Ukrainian tourism terminology greatly facilitates the process of mastering English terms by Ukrainian students who will become specialists in tourism industry, since, in most cases, students have already encountered these terms in everyday life as users of tourism services. All the above-mentioned features of English tourism terminology allow teachers of higher education institutions to qualitatively and systematically prepare an English-language professional course for students of Tourism Department, which will significantly help them master the researched terminology.
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