term, military term, official military terminology, non-statutory military terminology, adequacy, equivalenceAbstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities of English military terminology and the specifics of its translation into Ukrainian. The content and peculiarities of the concept of term, military term are clarified. It is determined that modern military terminology is divided into two groups: 1) official terminology; 2) non-statutory terminology. It is proved that military literature belongs to two functional language styles − official business and scientific and technical. The structure and features of military texts and other military materials were examined and it was found that they include special military terminology, scientific and technical names, combinations that are stable only for the military category of texts, special designations, abbreviations, and clichéd constructions. It has been determined that military texts and materials have a clear and concise structure, clear wording of words and thoughts, strict separation of ideas, and at the same time should be understandable to the recipient and easily perceived. The importance of the concepts of equivalence and adequacy in the translation of military terminology was also analyzed. Five levels of equivalence are described: 1) equivalence at the level of preserving the purpose of communication; 2) equivalence at the level of preserving the situation; 3) equivalence at the level of the structure of the statement; 4) equivalence at the level of the message; 5) equivalence at the level of language signs. Three types of regular correlations of translation adequacy are distinguished: 1) equivalents or regular forms of translation; 2) analogs or contextual correspondences; 3) transformations or adequate substitutions. It has been found that the main problem in translating military terminology is the availability of translation options, as terms are divided into unambiguous and ambiguous. Various abbreviations and acronyms deserve close attention, as they mostly do not have equivalents in the target language. The author establishes that military terminology requires considerable attention and care from a specialist, as well as a high level of competence.
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