

translation, asymmetry, ideology.


The article explores the phenomenon of ideologically motivated asymmetry as a significant parameter of ideological influence on translation. The study is based on T. van Dijk’s approach to ideologies as systems of fundamental, axiomatic beliefs that underlie the social representation of social groups, reflect fundamental beliefs and values of the latter, and are the basis of discourse. The article provides an overview of asymmetry as a linguistic and translational category; it aims at establishing the essence of ideologically motivated asymmetry in translation and describing its types. Contemporary researchers explore interlingual asymmetry as the cause of interlanguage interference, functional disproportion of systemically related language units, and language usage asymmetry. Asymmetry of linguocultures is researched on the basis of examining differences between linguistic world images, discrepancies between culturemes, etc. Ukrainian translation scholars employ the category of asymmetry relying upon its general scientific meaning as disproportion of objects in conjunction with certain operations – as a discrepancy between the source and target texts created through interlingual translation. ВСТУПIdeologically motivated asymmetry in translation can be defined as a discrepancy between the information in the original and translated texts caused by the conflict of the dominant ideologies of the source society and the target one, or the ideologies of the authors of the source and target texts, or a specific ideological purpose of the translation act. Such asymmetry can manifest itself not only as discrepancies between the source and target texts, but also as the application of different translation strategies while translating works of different literatures under the influence of ideology, and different approaches to the selection of texts for translation.


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How to Cite

RUDNYTSKA, N. (2023). IDEOLOGICALLY MOTIVATED ASYMMETRY AS A MAJOR PARAMETER OF IDEOLOGICAL INFLUENCE. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (202), 184–188. Retrieved from