gender, lexical unit, German, stereotype, phraseologyAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of phraseological units with a gender component in the German language. Phraseological units are an important part of any language, as they reflect the cultural peculiarities of a particular society. In German phraseology, as well as in other languages, it is possible to identify the influence of gender stereotypes and socio-cultural factors on lexical units. The study of the lexical reflection of the gender component in German phraseological units is an interesting area that reveals the peculiarities of the linguistic expression of relations between men and women. The purpose of the study is to determine the lexical aspects of German phraseological units with a gender component. The term «gender» is interpreted in the article as a combination of various socio-cultural parameters that verbalize a person depending on the gender. In order to study the culture of a country and its social consciousness, it is important to analyze the means by which gender stereotypes are verbalized, in particular in the German-speaking linguistic culture. The authors of the article are of the opinion that phraseological units are lexical and grammatical unities consisting of two or more components formed on the model of a phrase or sentence with a common meaning that is automatically reproduced in the language. The article defines the essence of the concepts of «gender» and «phraseology», identifies such markers of phraseological groups as external and internal feminine and masculine characteristics, as well as social characteristics of women and men. It has been found that gender features in phraseological units are expressed explicitly, i.e. by common nouns for women or men. It has been established that a significant part of the analyzed units are phraseological units with components denoting animals and insects. Such units implicitly characterize women and men.
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