loanword, assimilation, intercultural communication, language integration, language internationalization.Abstract
At the beginning of the 21st century, along with the processes of intercultural communication, the internationalization of the English language is taking place. Anglo-Americanisms have filled various fields of the modern society. Technological process has led to the emergence of new lexical units in the computer area. The names of the new digital phenomena and technological innovations have appeared in the recipient language. The development of the digital technologies has led to an increase in the amount of the lexical material connected with it. The article is devoted to the study of the computer slang loanwords in the Ukrainian language caused by the process of intercultural communication and language integration. The main material is the Anglo-American loanwords of the computer area. The attempt to investigate the types of the loanwords according to their forming and the degree of assimilation in the recipient language has been made. The sociolinguistic interview of the Ukrainian speakers of the different age groups has been conducted to determine the extent to which the Anglo-American loanwords are adapted to the speech, which is related to the development of the digital literacy in the Ukrainian society and the technological progress. The main hypothesis of the study is the integration of Anglo-American loanwords in the Ukrainian language and the internationalization of English in the world. The young people are well acquainted with the loanwords and use them in everyday life, the proportion of older people is smaller. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Anglo-Americanisms are actively used in the Ukrainian language, namely in the area of computer and ITtechnologies, and this tendency indicates the processes of internationalization of English in the world.
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