



vocabulary, professionalism, term, classification, hierarchy system


Hierarchical distribution of vocabulary plays an important role in working with it, simplifying their search and navigation, combining words by similar features. The classification of door business vocabulary from the point of view of linguistics has not yet been deeply covered in linguistic literature. The purpose of the study is to create a lexical-semantic classification of the English vocabulary for doors and their varieties. Door vocabulary groups are a hierarchical system based on the level of complexity, from common words to complex professionalisms that require additional explanation and are understood only in a certain context. The division of the door vocabulary into certain categories begins with the division into external and internal types of doors (front, back, and garage doors of the first category and interior and decorative doors of the second category). This vocabulary is commonly used and can also be used figuratively as idioms. The vocabulary of the design category is used in business and production. This group consists of both commonly used words and professionalisms created to denote concepts inherent in the field of door manufacturing. This category forms the main part of the hierarchical division and is an important part in marketing and naming a specific product design. The lexicon of the structure of the door, according to its formation, consists in general of professionalisms, a significant part of which can be confused with general words or terminology of other spheres of activity. It is used in the production or service of the product. Some parts (locks) may have their own paradigmatic system and be used outside the door vocabulary, so the context of using the terminology is of great importance. Although the terminology of the door structure has words borrowed from the neutral lexical layer, the very concepts they indicate are specific to the professional vocabulary. All three categories can be considered both separately and in combination with each other. The final result of the hierarchical arrangement can be observed on the websites of online stores, catalogs and other resources with an overview of door products. Studying door vocabulary helps to better distinguish it during communication and avoid ‘false friends’ in translation.


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How to Cite

Panchenko, O., & Korsun, A. (2023). HIERARCHY OF DOOR BUSINESS VOCABULARY (BASED ON THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE). Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (206), 106–111. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2023-206-16