subordinate phrase, coordinate phrase, semantic-syntactic relations, syntax, training exercises, curriculum, scientific approachAbstract
The article offers an alternative view on the problem of learning word phrases in the secondary school. The authors draw attention to the fact that despite the change in the trajectory of the educational process in connection with the introduction of the concept of New Ukrainian School, some topics in the Ukrainian language continue to be taught based on outdated theories, in particular, this concerns word phrases. The article notes that despite the implementation of such an important pedagogical principle as continuity and systematic learning, students learn that a phrase is a combination of full-sense words based on subordinating conjunction only. At the same time, coordinate phrases are not just excluded from the theory of phrases, but are clearly identified as not belonging to this syntax. Although the theory of the co-ordinate phrase has not been officially established in scientific philological circles, it is advisable to consider this unit with pupils of 10–11 grades in optional classes or special courses to develop their scientific outlook and critical thinking, because the opinions of the supporters of the separation of co-ordinate phrases are quite logical and well-reasoned. Analyzing this alternative view will help students to understand the nature of a word phrases and combinations from a completely different perspective, reveal the functional potential of coordinating conjunctions and allow students to better understand coordinating semantic and syntactic relations in various manifestations. Co-ordinate phrases should be interpreted as a combination of singlefunctional components based on the coordinating relation. They are characterized by the grammatical and semantic independence and equality of the components, and therefore their non-subordination to each other. Similarly, to subordinate clauses, these syntaxes have their own classification based on the quantitative composition and semantic and syntactic relations. Within open word combinations, it is advisable to distinguish units with connecting and separating relations, and within closed ones – comparative and contrastive, gradational and joining relations. The authors present samples of exercises that can be used to study these syntactic units. It is noted that the study of the topic of co-ordinate phrases makes it possible to use multi-level creative tasks to develop not only literacy as a dominant competence, but also to broaden students’ worldview and creativity.
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