semantics, lexeme, emotional state, emotive vocabulary, conversational discourse, Internet discourse, communicationAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of emotional states verbalization in the English language, based on the conversational Internet discourse, represented by the spoken speech of the English-speaking vloggers with millions of subscribers and billions of views on their YouTube channels, i.e. James Charles, Jeffree Star, Safiya Nygaard, Bretman Rock. The personalities, whose videos were chosen for analysis, are representatives of the US and the UK linguocultures who upload their videos granting public access and create their content reviewing modern brands of cosmetics. YouTube was selected as the source of empirical material as it is an open-access video hosting platform which is highly relevant for modern society attracting billions of viewers. The research empirical database is constituted by 540 lexical units (849 word uses) which were selected by continuous sampling (the overall duration of the videos analyzed is 6 hours 21 minutes 41 seconds). Emotions as a crucial component of the human communicative activities are an indispensable element of their everyday social life. Emotiveness is defined as the ability of the language to express emotional states with the help of various language means. Lexical nominations which are involved into verbalization of emotions are termed as emotive vocabulary. The analysis of the empirical database which grounds on the division of emotional states into positive and negative allows to claim that positive emotions prevail, as they are represented by 292 units (54.1%) against 248 units (45.9%) reflecting negative emotional states. Among the group of positive emotions, the following were singled out: ‘happiness’, ‘surprise’, ‘interest’; negative emotional states are represented by ‘disappointment’, ‘disgust’, ‘anger’. The results of the database morphological analysis demonstrate that the most productive way of representing both positive and negative emotional states is with the help of the adjective. The verb and the noun are used for verbalization of emotions significantly less frequently, whereas the adverb is used the least. In addition, an important role in verbalization of emotions is played by the interjection.
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