pronoun, subject, lexical-grammatical categoriesAbstract
The article is written in the direction of current research, since the problem of the role of the pronoun at the formalsyntactic level of the sentence structure is determined by the prevalence of this part of speech, its relationship with other members of the sentence. Defining the functional features of each lexical-semantic group of the pronouns is a certain contribution to the general theory of the role of the subject in a sentence and the features of its use. Considerable attention was paid to the role of the pronouns in the works of L.A. Bulakhovsky, I.H. Matviyas, P.O. Petrova, Y.O. Dzendzelivskyi, I.R. Vykhovanets, K.G. Horodenskaya, M.Ya. Pliushch, V.M. Ozhohan, O.H. Mezhov, N.L. Ivanytska, I.V. Dudko, N.P. Djuman and other authors. Despite the presence of a significant number of works devoted to the pronouns, their role in the modern language is not yet sufficiently covered. Therefore, the aim of the article is to analyze the functions of all lexical-grammatical classes of pronouns in the role of subject. We adhere to the view regarding the expression of the subject in the form of nominative singular or plural, with any lexical meaning – to indicate a person, any being / non-being, phenomenon, concept that performs the role of the carrier of the sign expressed by the predicate. The article considers the division of pronouns from the point of view of their functioning as a subject into three groups: pronouns relative to nouns, pronouns relative to numerals, pronouns relative to adjectives. In the modern Ukrainian language, there are certain shifts in the ratio of nominative and object (instrumental) cases of the personal pronouns. Therefore, further research involves a detailed analysis of the role of the subject in relation to the role of the subject syntax at the semantic level of the sentence. The sphere of use of the object case is determined by the narrowing of the sphere of use of the nominative case. These features of the relationship of case forms determine the appearance and development of such functions of the pronoun as emotional-volitional (psychological).
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