social types of behaviour, gender conflict, feminist types, contrasting comparisons.Abstract
In the article, we aimed, firstly, to recall the public activity of one of the first Ukrainian feminists, who at the end of the 19th century led the women's movement in Galicia, fought for women's rights, including the right to obtain higher education; secondly, to mention the works of the feminist writer, in which the focus was on women's issues; thirdly, an analysis was made of the gender conflict in N. Kobrynska's story between the main characters, Yadzya and Katrusya. If in the 20s of the 21st century, as the researchers write, we are just waking up from the "patriarchal hibernation", then at the end of the 19th century the pressure on the woman was a hundred times greater. N. Kobrynska described the social type of behavior of young Ms. Yadzya from a family of nobles who colonized part of Ukraine. The reason for her mental suffering was the rigid framework that regulated a woman's life in a patriarchal society and made her unhappy. About the suffering of the enslaved peasants, in particular, of women in that period, it is not appropriate to speak. An example is the fate of Katrusya in the story. The author described the social types of women's behavior as conflicting, because the gap between the conditions of existence of a peasant girl and a young noble woman was insurmountable. The conflict began with a fight between the girls in childhood, then throughout their lives their destinies crossed, but the contrast became even more striking. The author's metaphor at the beginning of the text about Yadzya, who lived like a potted flower, and Katrusya, whose life was compared to a wild weed, runs through the entire text with a red ribbon. The conflict in the novel is described by the author using various linguistic means: the speech behaviour of the heroines, their internal monologues, as well as the author's own story about the state of mind of women.
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