


modernism, phonostylistic techniques, sound recording, acoustic techniques, musicality, sound imitation, suggestiveness, sensory imagery.


The proposed article traces the functioning mechanisms of phonostylistic techniques in the small genre forms of H. Hotkevich and M. Yatskiv. The leading trends of the contemporary early modernist aesthetics at different levels of artistic imagery were noted, and the phonetic resources of the prose language of the noted writers were interpreted. The functional paradigm of sound and phonetic techniques, inscribed in the early modernist system of linguistic and stylistic coordinates, is outlined. Attention is paid to rhythm and melody, euphonization, internal sound organization of the text, sound writing, auditory acoustic impressions, lexical sound images, phonics tools (alliteration, assonance), sound imitation. The interpretive matrix is described through the prism of stylistic techniques of symbolism, impressionism, and expressionist technique, which primarily tried to emphasize the idea of the work through formal expressive means. It is noted that the sound model of imagery proposed by modernist authors builds a multifaceted associative picture, which can be read through the prism of worldview and axiological dominants of that era: an appeal to the philosophy of irrationalism, the principles of intuitionism, psychologism, sensory modification. Primary phonosemantic techniques (sound imitation) and secondary (sound symbolic) are distinguished. A classification of phonostylistic means is proposed according to certain levels of organization of the artistic text: sound at the level of sound, sound at the level of lexeme, sound at the level of idea-mechanics. The functional load of the sound world is reduced to the reading of sound as: a psychological component, a means of rhythmicity and melody, an explosive and moody reception, a technique for drawing a psycho-portrait of a hero, a non-verbal-signal symbolic system, synesthesia of sensory systems of human perception of the world, acoustic-expressive practices, time- spatial marker and ideological and thematic nature of the artistic text in its close interaction with the trends of early modernist aesthetics.


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How to Cite

Suvorova, L., & Muzychuk, V. (2023). PHONOSTYLISTICS OF SHORT PROSE BY M. YATSKIV AND H. KHOTKEVYCH IN CONTEST OF EARLY MODERN AESTHETICS. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (205), 200–206.