psychopoetics, psychoworld, megatext, autobiography, worldview, Maria Matios.Abstract
The article examines the problem of modeling the psychological world of the contemporary writer Maria Matios. The significant interest of readers in her works and the deep interest of scholars in the psychology of prose emphasize the complexity and multidimensionality of her artistic world. In order to fully comprehend the semantic intentions of the writer's works, it is important to create a holistic view of the author's psychological world, which is an important source of artistry and the key to deep interpretation. This study proposes to apply the methodology of psychopoetics with the expansion of the vector of attention to the artist's worldview, which is revealed through the value orientations manifested in her psychoautobiography. The theoretical part of the article presents the evolution of views on the study of the writer's personality and the latest examples of literary studies using the psycho-poetic approach. One of the tasks is to expand the concept of “megatext” in accordance with the volume of psychoautobiographical material by Maria Matios. According to the psycho-poetic approach, the writer is considered not as an object of research, but as an active subject of creation. The article proposes a model for analyzing Maria Matios's psycho-world on the example of her book “Torn Pages from an Autobiography”, which can be considered the quintessence of the author's memoirs and journalism. This material provides an overview of the key value orientations related to the attitude towards people, family, and one's own purpose. The chronological order of the book's chapters allows us to trace the origins and dynamics of the formation of mental phenomena and their consequences for the writer's future development. From the content of “Torn Pages from the Autobiography”, we can draw conclusions about Matios's increased capacity for empathy, attentiveness to human grief, and a heightened sense of justice, which are influenced by hereditary factors, upbringing, and a compensatory mechanism developed within the ideological framework of the Soviet Union.
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