foreign language teaching, Russian as a foreign language, motivation, animated movies, communicative competences.Abstract
This paper deals with the methodology of teaching foreign languages, in particular Russian as a foreign one. The article presents an analysis of animated movies as one of the ways to motivate students to increase their speech activity and to form their communicative competence. The author learns an animation as an educational material in foreign languages teaching practice. As well the paper focuses on a linguo-methodological potential of animation and on variants of motivational exercises based on the animated movies material. The animated movies value in foreign languages teaching practice lies in the fact that the material is authentic and not made for educational goals initially; combines visual and auditory information; is a source for familiarity with culturally specific vocabulary; provides a wide range of opportunities for mastering grammatical constructions, different intentions and communicative strategies; develops listening and speaking, as well as reading and writing skills through the use of motivational exercises. Effectiveness of using such animated materials in teaching foreign languages and achievement of learning results, first of all, depends on coherent compliance of the principles selection. The main requirements are conformity of the proposed material to the level of language proficiency, a possibility to develop communicative skills, socio-cultural context. Precedence, ethical value and humorous component of a text are important as well. Based on the material of animations the author suggests such motivational tasks: predicting from a name or a picture, animated movie dubbing, staging of separate episodes, imagining life of characters, interviewing characters, retelling on behalf of each character, story-telling based on the pictures or screenshots of the animated movies, creating memes, blogging on behalf of a character, making a local map and giving a tour, making a quote book, quest based on an animated movie, various discussions and other role plays.
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