cognitive operation; miniature; pragmatics; semiosis; translation strategy; translation transformations.Abstract
This article explores the cultural semiotic approach to the analysis of translation transformations, taking into account translation strategies and the relevant cognitive operations. The data for this study were collected using Russian poetic miniatures and their translations by Genrikh Yeyger. Miniatures are small poems of a finished form with deep content. Translation transformations are sign transformations of the source text into the translated text with due regard for the interaction of their denotative, semantic, sigmatic, syntagmatic and pragmatic characteristics. Each level of semiosis corresponds to an aspect of the analysis of the translation of a literary text: denotative, semantic, sigmatic, syntagmatic and pragmatic. The analysis of each aspect takes place taking into consideration the ethnocultural indicators of semiosis, which serve as the background of the translation process. Accordingly, the following levels (types) of translation transformations are singled out: denotative (designated objects), semantic (meanings), sigmatic (signs), syntagmatic (connectivity of signs) and pragmatic (interpreter of signs). In a separate literary text, the interaction of transformations of different levels prevails. In Heinrich Yeyger's translations of Russian poetic miniatures into German, all transformations are justified in terms of the correlation of the content and form of texts and determined by the strategy of domestication. The interaction of transformations of different levels is based on the cognitive operations of addition, generalization, concretization, displacement, replacement and omission. Cognitive operations are carried out within the framework of the general types of translation transformations suggested by L. S. Barkhudarov (permutations, substitutions, additions and omissions).
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