

author's position, author's image, travel novel, traveling literature, architectural-speech forms of the work, compositional-speech level of the work.


This study is devoted to the investigation of the narrator’s typology in the modern German-language travel novel, in particular the first-person narrative. The range of unresolved problems in the typology of the narrator is outlined, namely the expediency of studying the author’s image in a travel novel. On the example of the work of the famous German writer-traveler and reporter A. Altmann, the author's position is analyzed and the author's intentions are established. Peculiarities of the formation of modern wandering novel prose determine a high degree of autobiography in the work. Using the "I" -telling, the author-protagonist forms a combination of the real author, the narrator and the main character, offers the reader a world created by him, in which the focus is on the author's impressions and guidelines. For the reader to rethink, it remains to follow the author's reflection and determine which of the described is real and which is the author's fantasy. An attempt is made to analyze the author's selfpresentation at the compositional-speech and speech-stylistic levels. This novel is 12th of the 23 novels by the famous German reporter and travel writer A. Altmann. It is a combination of historical and geographical information, the stories of ordinary Australians, philosophical considerations and the author's reflection on what is seen. The figure of the author with his spiritual values and critical attitude to society found its imprint in the image of the author, creating the impression of complete identity with the real author. It is a novel with predominant compositional and speech forms - messages with descriptive elements and author's reflections. A typical architectural-speech form of the work is a monologue-reflection. At the speech-stylistic level, it should be noted the author's perfect use of a wide range of stylistically colored lexical layer from poetic to colloquial language. In the future, it is considered appropriate to compare and explore the author's position in the modern Ukrainian and German travel novel.


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How to Cite

BOHDAN, I. (2023). FEATURES OF THE AUTHOR’S POSITION IN A. ALTMANN’S TRAVEL NOVEL “LAND OF THE RAINBOW SNAKE. TRAVEL IN AUSTRALIA”. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (193), 283–289. Retrieved from https://journals.cusu.in.ua/index.php/philology/article/view/99