anthroponym, Old English, Proto-Germanic, structure, semantics, prototype, reconstruction.Abstract
The paper focuses on the topical problem of Germanic comparative-historical linguistics, that is on the study of word-building potential of etymological family of words with basic *huʒi-/*huʒu- ʻintelligenceʼ, ʻthoughtʼ, ʻsenseʼ, ʻspiritʼ. The authors renew the sum of composite units (anthroponyms) which theoretically go back to Proto-Germanic level, regard their morphological peculiarities (in terms of classification), reconstruct hypothetical cultural concepts marked by heteroclitic anthroponymic lexemes. Attention is paid on some components which being combined with *huʒi-/*huʒu- formed a complicated semiotic complex which inserted a certain complex anthroponym into a naming cultural code, the latter being valid in Germanic onomasiological system. The conclusion is made according to which the shift of functional accents in the middle of the studied lexico-wordbuilding microsystem caused the exit of proto-germ. *huʒi-/*huʒu- from the status of its (system) core, and pushed it aside onto the periphery as one of the components-modifiers of the core. Thus, the corresponding family of words has been existing for a long time as an open paradigm with free position of components until its inner relations were not disactualized. In particular, the reconstruction of such Proto-Germanic archetypes as *anda-huʒiz, *aϸala-huʒiz, *gaiza-huʒiz, *huʒi-balϸaz, *huʒi-berhtaz, *huʒi-bernuz, *huʒi-branðaz, *huʒi-burgz, *huʒi-friϸuz, *huʒi-gaizaz, *huʒi-guð(a)z, *huʒi-haiðuz, *huʒiharðuz, *huʒi-harjaz, *huʒi-lakaz, *huʒi-laikaz, *huʒi-lenϸaz/-ō, *huʒi-mannz, *huʒi-mērjaz, *huʒi-mōðaz, *huʒi-munduz, *huʒi-nanϸaz, *huʒi-rēdaz, *huʒi-swinϸaz/-ō, *huʒi-sunðaz, *huʒi-ϸeʒwaz appear to be possible. Each of them in our research gets not only morphological interpretation but undergo semantic reconstruction.
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