

noun coding/decoding, semantic volume of a word, verbal modality, human mental lexicon, linguosynergetics, linguosynergetic model, principle of least effort, conservation of language energy.


The article deals with the consideration of coding the semantic volume of polysemic and monosemic nouns of the German language and their decoding in German texts of fiction and the press on the basis of synergetic principle of minimizing efforts and conservation of language energy. In a synergetic sense, the author of the article draws parallels between the dictionary as a representation of the linguistic generalization of the structured amount of knowledge of the acquired extracurricular reality and mental lexicon, which is not an arbitrary accumulation of contributions. If lexical units and their meanings in the synergetic sense contain coded structured information at the language level, then in the same vein the article considers the implementation of the word in one of its meanings at the speech level as information decoding. The linguosynergetic approach with the involvement of quantitative research methods provided in the study involved the construction of linguosynergetic models for decoding the semantic volume of nouns at the level of speech. It is proved that the synergetic mechanism of minimization of efforts under the influence of external energy and information produces a mechanism of self-organization and self-regulation of noun existence in the direction of progress and regress. In the case of regression, the synergetic law is likely to push the corresponding coded and decoded semantic volume correlation formats into the background and develop correlation formats for nouns that demonstrate progress. The presented research introduces a new direction in linguistics, which is to study the coding and decoding of the noun in the linguosynergetic dimension of minimizing efforts in favor of the human mental lexicon and the conservation of language energy. Building of the linguosynergetic models of decoding based on statistical calculations and analysis of the hierarchy of the realized language potential of the word makes it possible to predict further trends in the development of polysemy and monosemy in the German language.


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How to Cite

DREBET, V. (2023). CODING AND DECODING OF THE GERMAN NOUN IN THE LINGUOSYNERGETIC DIMENSION OF MINIMIZATION OF EFFORT. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (193), 157–163. Retrieved from