


foreign language, information technology, modern method


World globalization puts increasingly strict demands on graduates of higher education institutions. In addition to professional competencies, which include a certain set of abilities and skills, a modern specialist must not only navigate his business, but also, in accordance with state educational standards, be able to read foreign professional literature, find the necessary information and properly apply the results of foreign language training in his professional activities. The level of students' mastery of a foreign language directly depends on effective teaching methods and the use of information technologies. The article draws attention to the fact that digital technologies have become an important factor in the process of language learning. Electronic communication devices such as computers, laptops, mobile phones, global communication system, video and audio conferencing, video telephony, webcasting and chats have become an integral part of language learning and their widespread use in education. The article also notes that the emergence of technological learning has significantly expanded the possibilities of learning a foreign language and created an alternative virtual learning environment that is not limited to the walls of an educational institution. Every foreign language class usually uses some form of technology. This study focuses on the role of using new technologies in the process of foreign language training, in particular the use of the Flipped studying format. The article attempts to explain the use of technology in the process of learning a foreign language, to analyze previous scientific studies related to the use of technology to improve language skills, and to make certain recommendations for improving the use of digital technologies that help students of higher education institutions learn material using information achievements of the modern world.


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How to Cite

Testsova, O., & Lopata, I. (2023). THE ROLE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE PROCESS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (204), 71–76.