audiovisual translation; comprehension of the source text; bottom-up process; top-down process; cognitive translation strategy; cognitive constructivism; completeness of information transfer.Abstract
This research is an attempt to establish the relationship between the mental processes of the source text’s comprehension, extracting and constructing meaning, selecting relevant information for translation, with the further formulation of the target text. The research object builds cognitive audiovisual translation strategies from German into Ukrainian both on the macro- and micro-level. The research aim is to highlight the mechanisms of information perception, selection and production by semi-professional translators (master students) on the basis of multiple audiovisual translations. The source text for asynchronous audiovisual translation was a video lecture by H. Siever at the Johan Gutenberg University in Mainz-Germersheim (Germany) on «Modern Translation Theories: Funktionalism and Interpretationism», posted on the university’s educational platform for German students. The task was to test the subject competence of master’s students in the methodology of translation studies. The students performed audiovisual translation asynchronously in the form of written answers to the questions in the modular test during the semester assessment. The test consisted of several parts. A video lecture in German was uploaded to the Google classroom platform, to which several questions in Ukrainian were added. The time for students’ work on the platform was automatically limited to 90 minutes. At first students had selective listening, they listened to the given fragments of the lecture in German and selected the necessary information in the source language to answer the questions. Then the participants translated the selected information from German into Ukrainian. At last students formulated answers in Ukrainian and uploaded them to the Google classroom platform. Cognitive strategies of asynchronous audiovisual translation and typical translator’s mistakes were revealed on the basis of the cognitive constructivism paradigm and cognitive translation model according to criterion of completeness in the information transfer. Based on the research results, recommendations were given on optimizing the production of the target text to increase its intelligibility.
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