



declension, word form, vocative case; first declension, declension group.


The article analyzes the main features of the use of inflections of the vocative case in Ukrainian proper names of water bodies, which in the modern Ukrainian literary language are declined according to the pattern of the first declension of hard, soft, mixed groups, and the reasons for the use of this or that inflection of the vocative case of Ukrainian proper names of water bodies of the first depending on hard, soft or mixed declension groups. Nouns of the first declension of the hard group include Ukrainian hydronyms of the feminine gender with a hard consonant phoneme of the base, which in the nominative case ending in -a; the soft group includes hydronyms that in the nominative singular have the ending -а (orthographically -я) with the final soft consonants of the stem /л´/, /н´/, /т´/, /с´/, / j/; the mixed group includes hydronyms with the final consonant /ч/, /ш/, /ж/, /дˆж/, the singular forms of which are determined by the following factors: partial linguistic affiliation to nouns; noun type of declension; grammatical meanings of morphological categories (belonging to the propriative class of hydronyms, respectively - belonging to the category of non-beings, feminine, first declension); common endings in case forms; different graphic presentation of inflections; the alternation of soft and hard phonemes. The research used a comprehensive methodology that combines various methods and techniques, the main of which are descriptive, comparative and quantitative calculations. The specifics of the vocative forms for Ukrainian proper names of water objects of the feminine gender of the first declension of hard, soft, mixed groups have been determined. The system of inflection of nouns of the Ukrainian literary language, a constituent part of which are feminine hydronyms of the first declension of hard, soft, mixed groups requires a detailed study and systematic description, taking into account modern approaches, extra- and intralingual factors.


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How to Cite

Kuchmak, K. (2023). FEATURES OF THE USE OF VOCATIVE INFLECTIONS IN UKRAINIAN PROPER NAMES OF WATER BODIES OF THE FIRST DECLINATION. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (203), 42–47. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2022-203-6