


sociolinguistics, attitude, language attitude, language norm, dialect speech, literary norm, description


In the article studies attitude as a certain position, side of individuals or groups towards language variants, phenomena and elements, which has been theoretically and empirically studied in sociolinguistics, ethnosociology, ethnolinguistics and social psychology. The article states the transition of the concept of "attitude" to the linguistic plane in terms of comparing dialectal and literary strata of the language in diglossic language use. The conducted descriptive analysis of the language system states the difference between prescriptive data and the dialectal norm. The principles of the attitude of dialectal and literary language norms in local speech, verified by oral speech in the business sphere and in the vernacular, are clarified. The fact of acquiring and expressing knowledge of the literary language (for example, during the national upsurge in the 90s, during the period of Independent Ukraine and during the Russian-Ukrainian war) is stated, which constitutes a certain social readiness, a subject's inclination, which arises when he/she anticipates a certain language situation and ensures the purposeful nature of the corresponding language activity. The typology of attitudes defined by the authors puts forward the idea of a special sociological and linguistic codification of language norms. It is noteworthy that the increasing evidence of tendencies to react and reflect in attitudes in relation to specific circumstances (war, resettlement, famine, unemployment) and everyday collisions can be changed as a result of situational requirements, unforeseen or extraordinary events. At the same time, language attitudes are expressed through attitudes toward the military volunteers, critical infrastructure workers, volunteers, victims, donors, etc. External factors trigger corresponding behavioral intentions, such as questioning, citing the obvious, creative retelling of what one has seen or heard, and individual refusal to comment for personal reasons. In the long run, a clear and objective attitude of Ukrainian speakers based on legislative and language education reforms will give positive results in language use.


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How to Cite

Hromko, T., & Klochek, L. (2023). THE PROBLEM OF EXPRESSING THE ATTITUDE OF DIALECTAL AND LITERARY LANGUAGE NORMS IN LOCAL SPEECH. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (204), 23–27.