


Lesya Ukrainka, Adam Mickiewicz,


The article is dedicated to a comparative analysis of the lyrical poetry of Lesya Ukrainka and Adam Mickiewicz, namely, an analysis of a part of their poetic work that reflected authors' personal impressions from their travels to Crimea. The aim of this article is to analyze the artistic features of the poetic cycles "Crimean Memories," "Crimean Reviews" by Lesya Ukrainka and "Crimean Sonnets" by Adam Mickiewicz. The analysis of the poetry of Lesya Ukrainka and Adam Mickiewicz is carried out in the following aspects: the circumstances of the visit to Crimea by both authors, the features of creating of the artistic space of Crimea (exotic landscapes, natural landscape, and marine scenery), the specificity of creating the antithesis of native land vs. foreign land, the artistic skill of the images of Crimean Tatars, local folklore, and the artistic function of the lyrical hero. The author of the article determines the reason for Adam Mickiewicz's choice of the sonnet form, his attempt to convey his impressions from his journey to Crimea in this poetic genre. The work identifies two important artistic spaces on the semantic level – native land and foreign land. It is observed that both poets do not contrast these spaces based on hostility or friendliness towards the lyrical hero. In Lesya Ukrainka's work, the contrast between the native land and the foreign land is not marked by a sense of separation of the lyrical heroine from her native land, while in Adam Mickiewicz's work it acquires a special significance in conjunction with the motif of longing for the native land. Both poets were fascinated by the exotic nature of Crimea. In the works of both authors, the sea landscape holds significant importance, serving as a marker of the internal experiences and struggles of the lyrical heroes. The nature of Crimea, with its landscape images, expresses the lyrical heroes' admiration for its beauty. Both felt despondent on the peninsula (Lesya Ukrainka was burdened with thoughts of illness, while Adam Mickiewicz had no hope of returning to his homeland). This fact substantiates the strength of the death motif in their poetry: for Lesya Ukrainka, it is early death, and for Adam Mickiewicz, it is death in a foreign land, though beautiful, even if it is beautiful, but not on the native side. Interest in the historical past, architecture, folklore, and everyday life is a common feature, but Lesya Ukrainka, when depicting the image of a Crimean Tatar woman, uses folk-song techniques. For Adam Mickiewicz, an important aspect is the reinterpretation of a local legend, where the main character is his countrywoman. For the lyrical heroes in the poetry of Lesya Ukrainka and Adam Mickiewicz, the nature of Crimea serves as a source of inspiration, creativity, knowledge, and in times of despair, it becomes a refuge.


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How to Cite

Khoma, K. M. (2024). ARTISTIC RECEPTION OF THE CRIMEA IN THE WORKS OF LESYA UKRAINKA AND ADAM MITSKEVYCH. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (211), 117–123.