concept, worldview, discourse, comparative analysis, metaphorization, conceptualizationAbstract
The article analyzes the concepts «road», «way», «passage» in a cross-cultural discursive aspect. The relevance of this research is determined by the acquisition of the mentioned concepts of special cultural discursive diversity under the influence of modern geopolitical realities. It is noted that in Bulgarian linguistics, way, movement is the main element of the national worldview: the question of choosing a way has always been of special importance for Bulgaria, which is at the crossroads between Europe and Asia; the metaphorical model conventionally labeled as «way» is one of the most common models in Bulgarian political discourse. Whereas, in Chinese linguistics, 道(Dao) is distinguished as an indefinite period of time associated with overcoming obstacles and various life difficulties, and is defined as a deep philosophical category that connects the way and the omnipresent universal power of the spirit that sanctifies life. In comparison with the Slavic tradition, in the Chinese language the lexeme way/road also has its own meanings, the main of which is the semantic field «ideology, moral principles, idea». In Ukrainian comparative studies, the cognitive and discursive features of nominative units verbalizing the concepts are individually described on the material of English, French, German, and Ukrainian languages, taking ethnographic-ritual discourse as a whole as the object of research, as well as the genre of the magical fairy tale in particular, and tracing the ways of transformation from the language and cultural image in the folklore text to the concept. It has been established that the concepts «road», «way», «passage» have been comprehensively studied in foreign and Ukrainian linguistics both within the single language mode and in a comparative one on the material of different discourses, but these concepts haven’t yet been analyzed in the Ukrainian mass media space, which determines the perspective of further researches.
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