


internet technologies, distance learning, gamification, e-learning, interactive platforms, social networks, internet resources


The article examines current trends in the reform of higher education in Ukraine, considering European requirements for the quality of the educational process. The study focuses on the use of educational internet technologies in teaching foreign languages in higher education institutions. The main goal of the work is to reveal the advantages of using educational internet technologies in the process of learning foreign languages by students, which can enhance their motivation through gamification elements and improve interaction between students and teachers. The article also emphasizes the importance of these technologies in maintaining the continuity of the educational process, especially in the context of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law. The study analyzes the key characteristics of educational internet technologies that are actively integrated into foreign language teaching in higher education institutions. The main aspects include motivation, interactivity, flexibility, personalization, multimedia features, adaptability, communicative competence, remote learning, and scalability. Among the main advantages highlighted are the development of critical thinking, creativity, and self-directed learning; increased access to educational resources; effective use of multimedia content for better immersion in the language environment; and improved monitoring of student performance through automated assessment systems. At the same time, the article notes the challenges of implementing these technologies, such as technical limitations (insufficient access to modern devices and the internet), the need to enhance the digital literacy of teachers and students, and the risk of information overload due to excessive use of online resources. These characteristics underline the importance of continuously improving teaching methods and actively implementing internet technologies to achieve high-quality results in foreign language learning. The study's findings demonstrate that integrating digital technologies into foreign language teaching enables students to improve their listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills, ultimately enhancing their professional competence.


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How to Cite

Pershyna, L. V., & Koziaruk, Y. Y. (2024). THE USE OF EDUCATIONAL INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (211), 105–110.