mythopoetics, allusion, reminiscence, archetype, intertextualityAbstract
The article focuses on the concept of «mythopoetics» as a powerful tool that writers use to create multilayered, symbolic and full of deep meaning texts, using the example of Illarion Pavliuk's novel «I See You Are Interested in Darkness». The author skilfully weaves mythological motives into the fabric of his work, creating an atmosphere of mystery and emphasising universal human themes. Thanks to mythological motives, Ilarion Pavliuk goes beyond the specific story in his novel and touches upon universal questions of existence, good and evil, life and death. The author refers to the deep symbolism of Bible and mythological allusions. We have identified the key mythological elements in the novel, namely: darkness, the village of Buskiv Sad (hell), a beast, a cave, etc. Darkness in the novel is a symbol of evil that threatens the characters, but at the same time a seductive force that attracts them. This archetype permeates the entire novel, from the title to the storylines. Here, darkness is not just the absence of light, but an abyss that conceals secrets, fears, and temptations. The village of Buskiv Sad in the novel is not only a place of action, but also a kind of microcosm where all human vices and virtues are reflected. The village resembles a mythological garden that was once a paradise, but has now become a place of sin and suffering. The serial killer, called the Beast, is an archetype of evil that threatens the peace of the village. His image is reminiscent of mythological monsters that punish people for their sins. Another symbol of the novel that contributes to the mythopoetics of the work is water, as a symbol of purification and rebirth on the one hand, and danger and death on the other. The river that flows through the village is the boundary between the world of the living and the dead. The article analyses the influence of artistic methods of Latin American magical realism and its original Ukrainian counterpart – bizarre prose on the works of Ilarion Pavliuk. A parallel is drawn between samples of works of art of these trends and modern literature. The study proves that mythopoetics in Illarion Pavliuk's novel «I See You Are Interested in Darkness» adds depth to the work. Through the use of mythological motives, the author creates a unique world in which reality is intertwined with myth, and the reader has the opportunity to reflect on the eternal questions of existence.
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