


O. Kobylianska, writer's personality, psychopoetics, corporeality, psychosomatics, character, temperament, modern discourse, neo-romanticism


The article examines the somatic markers of Olga Kobylianska's psychological portrait based on her short fiction, in particular, the novels «Uncultured», «Nature», «Impromptu phantasie», «Valse melancolique», and her memoirs. The scientific novelty was revealed in the disclosure of the connection between the corporeal and the spiritual in the writer's megatext, which opens up new aspects of her artistic self-reflection. The application of the psycho-poetic approach allows us to analyze autobiographical and psycho-autobiographical material through the prism of classical and modern psychological theories that correlate with literary techniques. The article substantiates that the bodily markers presented in the writer's works are symbols of deep mental states, expanding the traditional understanding of her literary heritage. The author systematically actualizes the physical manifestations of the characters' experiences, which are commensurate with her psycho-emotional sphere. The author of the short stories emphasizes the introspective nature of the characters' characters, who often reproduce the personal traits of the writer herself, using descriptions of their appearance and somatic states. Particular attention is paid to the use of physiognomic methods of analysis, in particular the theory of Ernst Kretschmer, which allows to emphasize the relationship between physique and character. On the basis of memoir descriptions, photographs, and images of the heroines of the works, the author emphasizes the asthenic type of Olha Kobylianska's physicality, which determines schizotypal character traits: introspection, emotional restraint, sensitivity to reflection, and distance from society. The results of the study allow us to better define the psychological aspects of Olha Kobylianska's work, in particular the role of bodily experience in shaping the author's artistic world. This opens up new opportunities for further interdisciplinary analysis of her work.


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How to Cite

Mykhyda, S. P., & Zamoroz, Y. O. (2024). SOMATIC MARKERS OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL PORTRAIT OF OLGA KOBYLIANSKA (BASED ON SHORT PROSE MATERIAL). Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (211), 85–90.