personalized learning, technology integration, English language teaching, innovative educational methods, adaptive content, student motivation, communication skillsAbstract
In the modern educational environment, there is a growing need to adapt educational approaches to students' individual needs, especially in the context of learning foreign languages. Personalized learning, as a concept, is becoming increasingly popular in modern pedagogical practice, as it allows taking into account each student's unique characteristics and peculiarities. One of the important aspects of this approach is the integration of technology, which opens up new opportunities for customizing the learning process according to the personal interests and learning styles of students. The article explores the latest approaches to implementing personalized learning in the context of English language teaching. The primary focus is on integrating modern technologies that facilitate adapting the learning process to students' needs and interests. To conduct the research, surveys were carried out among students and instructors, revealing existing challenges and opportunities related to innovative educational methods. The findings indicate that personalized learning enhances student motivation and promotes the development of their communication skills. Also, customized training can significantly increase the effectiveness of the educational process, in particular, in learning English. The article presents specific strategies that can be employed to improve the learning process, including adaptive content and interactive platforms. We concluded that personalized learning through integrating technology in education has great potential to improve the quality of English language learning, opening up new opportunities for students in their learning and personal development. The conclusions drawn from the research hold practical significance for English language teachers and educational program developers.
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