


educational image, language strategies, communication impact, branding in education, communication techniques, effectiveness of educational messaging, audience engagement in education


The article examines the role of language in shaping the branding of educational institutions, which is an important factor in their competitiveness, reputation and effective communication with the target audience. It is determined that language is a key tool for creating a unique image of educational institutions through verbal and non-verbal means, such as slogans, web design, marketing materials, logos and color palette. The analysis of recent studies confirms the impact of linguistic strategies on educational branding and corporate communication, in particular in the digital environment. The importance of language as a means of conveying the values, mission and unique offers of an institution is substantiated, which helps to create trust and emotional connection with students, parents, teachers and other stakeholders. The features of using language functions, such as instrumental, regulatory and symbolic, to strengthen communication strategies are highlighted. Examples of successful educational brands, such as the Coursera platform, Harvard University and the TED Foundation, are considered to illustrate the importance of language in promoting educational services. The article analyses the methods of using specific language and terminology; methods of creating convincing and emotionally moving texts and communications aimed at increasing interest in an educational institution and the use of language strategies to emphasizes the values and uniqueness of the institution. The results of the study showed that specific vocabulary and communication strategies can enhance the perception of professionalism and expertise of an institution among the public. Emotionally rich and persuasive texts help to increase interest in an educational institution and promote a positive perception of its brand. Recommendations for educational institutions on optimizing language tools in branding to improve their reputation, image and effectiveness of interaction with the target audience are proposed. The article contributes to the study of corporate communication and strategic educational branding.


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How to Cite

Varvaruk, I. V., Lada, O. V., & Tkhir, M. B. (2024). LANGUAGE AS A TOOL FOR EDUCATIONAL BRANDING: ANALYSIS OF CORPORATE COMMUNICATION. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (211), 28–34.