



iconicity, metaphorical conceptualization, symbolic representations, image visualization, fashion discourse, linguistic semiotics, English-language communication


The article presents a comprehensive linguistic analysis of iconic representations in English-language fashion interview discourse. The theoretical and methodological foundation of the research is grounded in the concept of iconicity as a semiotic phenomenon that establishes isomorphic relations between signs and their denotata. The research focuses on the functioning of iconic mechanisms in fashion discourse as instruments for transmitting sociocultural meanings and aesthetic concepts. Through systemic analysis of empirical data, the study reveals that verbal metaphorical constructions and symbolic representations in fashion interview texts generate complex visualsemantic complexes that correlate with fashion as a form of visual art. Metaphorization is identified as the dominant linguo-cognitive mechanism for implementing iconicity, facilitating the formation of novel conceptual connections within the semantic space of fashion discourse. The research demonstrates that the symbolic component of iconic processes encompasses a broad spectrum of semiotic resources – ranging from material fashion attributes to abstract conceptual constructs that function as mediators of sociopolitical and cultural meanings. Particular attention is devoted to analyzing visualization as a key stage in the materialization of iconic meanings within the communicative space of the fashion industry. The study establishes the determining influence of cultural context on the configuration of iconic representations and their role in reflecting social ideals. The findings expand theoretical understanding of iconicity's nature in fashion discourse and hold practical significance for the fields of linguistics, cultural studies, and marketing communications.


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How to Cite

Bahatska, O. V., & Sannikova, V. Y. (2024). ICONISM IN CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH-LANGUAGE FASHION DISCOURSE AND ITS LINGUISTIC REALIZATION. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (211), 7–13. https://doi.org/10.32782/2522-4077-2024-211-1