term, terminological system, mathematical terminology, terms equivalence, termbase.Abstract
This study discusses an effort to create a bilingual (English-Ukrainian) glossary for the field of ‘Mathematics. 8th year of study’ based on two textbooks: Bostock L., Chandler S., Shepherd A., Smith E., Bettison I. “STP Mathematics 8”. 3rd Edition, Oxford University Press (Eng.) and Ister O. “Algebra. 8th class” and “Geometry. 8th class”, “Geneza” (Ukr.). The common and distinctive features of the British and Ukrainian educational programs for the 8th year of study were defined and illustrated. The authors examined to what extent the concept systems could be mapped to facilitate unambiguous communication across teachers and alumni from Britain and Ukraine. It turns out that only 44,1% topics and terms that describe them in Ukrainian curricula correspond to the British ones: Units of Measurement, Geometric Shapes, Transformations, Numbers and Operations, Angles, Expressions and Inequalities, Physical Quantities, Statistical Data, Map Interpretation, Graphs, Theorems and Proofs. The authors conceptualized the terminological system and defined 81 English-Ukrainian equivalents central to the proposed domain. The grammatical and semantic structure as well as etymology of English and Ukrainian terms were considered, and some common features were distinguished. Compound terms are more frequently used both in English and Ukrainian. English terms are mainly (93,2%) borrowings from Latin, French and Greek, most (61,9%) of Ukrainian terms are of native origin. Interlingual terminological asymmetry was discussed to define full and partial equivalents and best English-Ukrainian correspondences for the ‘Mathematics. 8th year of study’ domain. SDL Multiterm tool was used to compile English-Ukrainian termbase for facilitating the translation and communication process.
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