translation, poetic work, rhetorical statement, poetic speech, metaphor.Abstract
This scientific research is devoted to the attempt of linguistic analysis of Heinrich Heine's poetry "Enfant perdü" and its translations into Ukrainian and Russian made by the Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka. During the research the author comes to the conclusion that translations of works of fiction play one of the key roles in the process of interaction of cultures of different peoples. Poetry, as a component of fiction, is an important component in the process of spiritual rapprochement of different ethnic groups, their mutual enrichment and development. Undisputed in this process is the figure of the translator, as a bridge between the two cultural shores. The translator's work contributes to a deeper understanding of the foreign language reader and understanding of the mentality of the people whose literature he is acquainted with. And the original through translation gets a new existence in a new parallel projection. The translation of poetic works is considered important in this direction for the author of the investigation. Poetic translation is one of the most difficult areas of translation, as the translator must fully understand the poetic work, the author's idea and concept of the work, which should be fully communicated to the reader in the language of translation, so as not to change the impact of this work on the reader. the language of the original. To the tasks of the translator of poetic works, in contrast to prose, is added the requirement of compliance with the form, rhyme, size, which is not always possible. German, Ukrainian and Russian languages are somewhat similar in terms of poetic dimensions. That is why the Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka almost always manages to follow the poetic dimensions when translating from German. Poetry "Enfant perdü" is one of the key in the poetic heritage of Heinrich Heine, so it is of great interest to study attempts to translate it into different languages and different translators. And the creative genius of Lesya Ukrainka occupies an important place in this list.
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