Sovietisms, lexical semantic group, realia, translation transformation, audiovisual translation.Abstract
The article examines the Sovietisms used in “Chernobyl” miniseries produced by HBO. Lexical semantic groups as sets of paradigmatically and semantically related lexical means are detected and analised. The key role in the text part of HBO’s miniseries “Chernobyl” produced by HBO is played by the nominations of Soviet authorities (23% of the researched Sovietisms), Soviet awards (7%), Soviet authorities’ positions (25%), NPP workers’ positions (9%), Soviet institutions and buildings (11%), Soviet phrases and slogans (25%). The article discusses the Sovietisms’ ambivalence as perceived by the representatives of post-Soviet countries and other lingvocultures. The Sovietisms’ identification in modern Ukrainian society is checked through a survey of 40 respondents of two age groups: the generation that was born in post-Soviet independent Ukraine (aged from 14 to 25) and older generation, people who were born and lived in USSR (aged from 37 to 65). The results of the survey show that older generations identify the Soviet realia clearer than young generation that recognizes only up to 51% sovietisms. These issues include, but are not restricted to, the reception of the given audiovisual methods, techniques and transformations, and the different ways in which the translation process is accomplished in different countries. The data obtained must be thoroughly considered when adapting audiovisual products for different audiences. The main means of the Sovietisms’ adaptation for English (original) version of the miniseries contextual interpretation (84%) and transliteration (16%). The discussion of the study will contribute to assessing the potential multinational studies in audiovisual translation, thus offering indications on future methodological developments and enabling more detailed and structured comparisons. The material analysed in the article can be used for adaptation of audiovisual products for the Ukrainian audience and for tourist services’ improvement, including accompanying foreign tourists to the Chornobyl Zone.
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