communication, intercultural communication, translation, expressiveness, expressive means.Abstract
The article dwells on the linguocultural issues of interlingual communication. Interlingual communication is presented in the article by translation while linguocultural means are viewed as expressive tools used to construct a national worldview where the expressive function is of paramount importance. The major task in rendering the expressive function in translation is to achieve equivalence, i.e. creation such a situation in the process of interlingual communication where the emotional response of a source-text reader could be equal to that of a target-text reader. It is important to take into account intercultural peculiarities of emotion manifestation while analyzing the degree of emotionality and expressiveness of a work of fiction in different languages. This is accounted for a double nature of emotions. They are viewed as a universal psychic phenomenon, physiological experience, on the one hand, and as an emotional concept characterized by specific culturally-related wording and perception, on the other hand. Though emotions are of universal character, the typological structure of emotional lexicon is different in different languages having very clear national peculiarities. This proves that a language is not a mirror reflection of the world and serves as one more evidence that the world of emotions and the world of language means do not coincide. In the paper, linguocultural means to denote various emotions peculiar for a Ukrainian text and the ways of their rendering in an English text in the process of interlingual communication have been considered. It requires, first and foremost, besides the analysis of the ways of translation of expressive means in a source-text and a target-text also analyze their reception in accepting culture. Expressive information in the text under consideration and its translation version is rendered by a large arsenal of stylistic means which facilitate the perception and assessment by a reader and a translator of a work of fiction and revealing its emotional potential. It has been established that among the basic expressive means to denote expressive information in interlingual communication are phonetic and graphic, word-building or morphological, lexical, phraseological, and syntactic ones. As a result of the research performed, it has been revealed that the author and the reader, and in the translation process also the translator, are the major agents in the act of communication realizing the principle of anthropocentrism according to which a human being is the completion of universe evolution.
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