anthropocentrism, ancient Slavs, somatisms, world of nature, worldview, metaphorical transfer.Abstract
In line with anthropocentrism, the issues of the relationship between the surrounding world, process of thinking and language, and the study of the processes of transforming the facts of extra verbal reality into the acquisition of the language system are important for modern linguistics. In this regard the study of somatisms in modern Slavic languages in the direct nominative sense is extremely relevant. Slavic names of body parts, inherited from the Proto-Slavic language and dating back to Indo-European proto-language, preserve inexhaustible knowledge of both the Slavs themselves and their worldview, "speaking" of themselves through associations with phenomena and things of animate and inanimate nature. Most names of body parts at the present stage are perceived as primary units of language, because in morpheme terms they are structurally simple. Based on etymological analysis, comparison with other languages of the Indo-European language family, it is established that Slavic somatisms are secondary nominations that have a figurative basis and are often based on a hidden comparison with objects of reality. As a result of the work of linguocognitive mechanisms, the emergence of somatisms often occurred due to understanding the existing, long-used units of language, as a human being perceives the new through the prism of the well-imagined and known from previous experience. Studying human body, trying to verbalize its parts, our ancestors noticed the similarity of its individual parts with the phenomena and things of the natural environment. Accordingly, the nomination of Slavic somatisms is based on metaphorical transfers of similarity of form, structure, signs and properties, functions of objects of the natural world - plant names and relief. This is how a part of Slavic somatisms was formed: torso, eyebrows, waist, back, forehead, lips, hand. Their nominations are based on the names of the plant world (tree and its various parts, mushrooms, tassels) and the names of geographical objects (ridge, hump, chest, valley, pit). Thus, somatic vocabulary remains an inexhaustible source for linguistic studies, because by studying it, one can learn the deep mental secrets of the Slavs, who preserve and accumulate their languages, the creators and speakers of which they have been for millennia.
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