

activity, verbal work, style, system, subject, object, speech activity.


The article considers the activity aspect of the system of verbal work from the point of view of stylistics. To reveal this topic, the author explores the theoretical aspects of the issue related to the concept of “activity“ in terms of its role and functions in the process of styling, from the standpoint of psychology and philosophy. By elaborating the primary sources, it is established that the concept of “activity“ is on of the fundamental in the study of style; the concept of activity is closely related to the concept of culture; activity is a specific form of human attitude to the surrounding world, it is its content is appropriate change and transformation of the world; activity has such semantic features as: social character, purposefulness, objectivity, awareness, productivity, etc. For many sections of modern humanities knowledge, the concept of activity plays a key role due to the possibility of universal characterization of the human world. Therefore, the explanation of style through language and speech activities is quite promising. The focus is on the characteristics of the main elements of the activity, such as subject, object and activity. The types of activity are singled out and described: cognitive (epistemological), practical (value-oriented) and communication, taking into account the fact that they form a system that the verbal work contains in a condensed form. The connection of style with the interaction of people in the process of communication is emphasized, the emotional component of which is important for the process of styling. The combination in the style of such aspects of activity as activity as activity as a labor process and activity as communication is emphasized, because as a result of their interaction a verbal work arises.


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How to Cite

TOKARYEVA, T. (2023). ON THE QUESTION OF THE ACTIVITY OF THE STYLISTIC SYSTEM OF A VERBAL WORK. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (202), 196–202. Retrieved from https://journals.cusu.in.ua/index.php/philology/article/view/33