Ukrainian language, terminology, nature museum case, term-composite, word-formation modelAbstract
A productive way of creating lexical innovations is composition, or basis assembling, as complex linguistic units that are compact in form can name several characteristics of actual objects at once. Composite terms have an advantage over term compounds, as they are characterized by semantic unity, function in close connection with the system of term compounds and are a higher degree of concretization. Creating the terms of the nature museum case can be done quite effectively with composition. The article presents the specifics of creating composite terms in the term system of museology of the natural profile. Researchers have identified effective models for the field's complex term units, and found out which types of composites are productive in the field of natural history museums. According to the method and nature of the combination of the main composite terms operating in the field of museology of the natural profile, it is possible to distinguish the following types of word-forming types with corresponding models: 1) masculine nouns, motivated by the combination of two nouns connected with the help of connecting voices; 2) feminine nouns, motivated by the combination of two nouns joined by connecting vowels; 3) neuter nouns, motivated by the combination of two nouns, one of which is a verb, combined with connecting vowels to determine properties, processes; 4) nouns of the neuter gender, motivated by the combination of an adjective with a noun, combined with the help of connecting vowels; 5) masculine nouns motivated by combining an adjective with a verbal noun; 6) neuter nouns formed by combining a noun (mainly of verbal origin) with a dependent pronoun. The composition is one of the productive ways of term formation of a unit of the museum case of a natural profile. Word formation models, which give rise to composite terms, are formed according to the internal regularities of the language.
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