translation, legal terms, legal discourse, polysemy, terminologyAbstract
The article discusses the difficulties in translating legal terms that arise due to differences in semantics and legislation of different countries. It is found that legal vocabulary is divided into two categories: the first category includes the vocabulary of legal texts, which is scientific in nature and is based on terms, and the second category includes words of law enforcement practice which have less theoretical significance. It was determined that legal vocabulary is is a set of terms, Latinisms, abbreviations and common words that form legal discourse. The author examines various definitions of a legal term and emphasizes its ambiguity in some contexts. It is emphasized that it is important to take into account the different variants of the same language in different legal systems in order to avoid inaccuracies in translation. Legal language is considered as a socially and historically determined system of expression of legal concepts. The research analyzes the polysemy of legal terms, pointing out their diversity depending on the branch of law. Examples of polysemic terms in English and Ukrainian legal languages are presented. The author emphasizes the importance of taking into account the abstract nature of legal concepts when interpreting them, which can lead to ambiguity and misunderstandings. Important aspects of the development of legal terminology, including the replacement of outdated terms with new ones and their challenges for translation, are also considered. The problems of terminology translation are determined by the difference in legal systems, as well as the existence of specific terms without equivalents in other languages. It has been suggested that key terms of legal vocabulary and terminology could be translated into Latin to facilitate communication and the translation process. However, given that the importance of the Latin language within legal communication is very insignificant, the problem of translating English-language legal terms into Ukrainian will remain relevant in further translation studies.
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