culture of speech, specialist, advertising activity, advertising specialist, professional communicationAbstract
The current state of broadcasting culture in Ukrainian television and radio is considered. The most common mistakes in Ukrainian advertising texts are analyzed. The samples for improving the broadcasting culture of radio and television journalists are presented. After all, an advertising text is the result of the work of specialists in many fields of knowledge, from philologists and linguists to copywriters and psychologists. However, in Ukraine, attention is rarely paid to the primitiveness and illiteracy of advertising texts. It is noted that the language of advertising should meet the following criteria: compliance with language norms, correct translation of foreign words or idioms, the minimum amount of text should contain the maximum amount of useful and convincing information, and, of course, one should not forget about ethical and moral norms. The purpose of the article is to try to develop an individual approach to the culture of speech and the peculiarities of constructing modern advertising texts. The conclusions note that the language culture of modern advertising has shortcomings that should be addressed. The analysis of advertising texts reveals a sometimes low cultural and linguistic level of the studied texts. This is a consequence of the influence of the parallel functioning of two languages in society, and hence the insufficient linguistic competence of those who work on the creation of advertising texts. Adherence to the language culture of advertising will help to attract consumers and clients, as well as to succeed in the marketing sphere. Every educated person should adhere to the culture of their language and avoid language mistakes. In order for an advertising specialist to be able to work and communicate in public, he or she must have not only a certain general cultural, educational and professional background, relevant psychophysiological traits, but also the necessary level of rhetorical culture, which includes knowledge, skills and abilities of content and linguistic and cultural training [14, 15].
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