


term, terminological system, terminology of management, transterminologization, transterms


The article discusses one of the methods of forming a terminological management system. It has been established that transterminologisation is a process of semantic evolution of a term during its transfer from one field of knowledge to another. It has been proven that the transterminologisation of the terms of the terminological system under study manifests itself in the borrowing of concepts from related economic fields of knowledge, as well as naturalmathematical and humanitarian. It is concluded that the terms, migrating from the economic terminological system to the management terminological system, can retain their lexical meaning or evolve, acquiring a new meaning in a new terminological environment. It has been found that the interaction of economic and research terminology consists in the inclusion of general economic terms in the management terminology system without changing the semantics; in the narrowing of the semantics of the economic term as a result of entering into the terminology of management and the involvement of general economic and special economic terms as structural components in combination with new semantic concretizers to the formation of terms-phrases. Various forms of interrelationships between the terms of different fields with the special vocabulary of the management term system have been analyzed: the inclusion of psychology, mathematics, geography, biology, political science, etc. terms in the management term system without changing the semantics; the use of a reinterpreted term of another field in the management terminology system; the use of terms as structural components in terms-phrases. It has been proven that the most productive is the use of terms from other fields (both economic, mathematical, natural and humanitarian) as structural components in analytical terms of management.


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How to Cite

Krasnopolska, N. L., & Yaroshevych, I. A. (2024). TRANSTERMINOLOGIZATION AS A WAY FOR CREATING TERMS OF MANAGEMENT. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (208), 215–220.