artificial intelligence, methods, digitalization, binary code, neural networksAbstract
This study examines the theoretical and practical principles of using artificial intelligence methods in the study of foreign languages in higher education. Attention is focused on the importance of using artificial intelligence technologies for teaching foreign languages in higher educational institutions. An analysis of the current state of implementation of artificial intelligence in the educational process of students of higher educational institutions was carried out. Examples of successful application of artificial intelligence technologies during foreign language learning are presented. Types of computer programs that use artificial intelligence technology to improve the process of learning foreign languages are defined and described in detail. Special attention is paid to the advantages and discussed issues related to ensuring the confidentiality of user data in the context of the application of artificial intelligence technologies in the educational process. Attempts to solve this problem were linguistic searches for universal digitalization, which were carried out according to the principles of the binary code of the classical Chinese language Wen Yang. That is, promising expert AI systems for automatic translation can be created primarily on the basis of Eastern thinking as neural networks, which theoretically take into account universal classical Chinese worldview systems and understand the object as a self-regulating system, the components of which are connected according to the principles of direct and feedback «link». The authors analyze modern language teaching and learning methods, identify their limitations and highlight main challenges faced by teachers and students. In particular, the possibilities of using language assistants, automatic translation systems and other innovative tools based on artificial intelligence are being explored. The authors highlight the benefits of these technologies, such as individualized learning, enrichment of linguistic experience, and increased student motivation.
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