Yuriy Yanovsky, «The Master of the Ship», NUSAbstract
The paper provides a general strategy for teaching Yu. Yanovsky's works at school, due to the challenges of the NUS. The main attention is focused on the analysis of «The Master of the Ship» (1928), writer's debut novel and his greatest book as well, prescribed for study in the eleventh grade since 2019. A multi-aspect analysis in the form of a continuous chain of associations is tested in the article, with taking into account the cultural and historical context of the era and the modern events and by using interactive and information technologies. It was found that the modernist novel «The Master of the Ship» perfectly correlates (even at the stage of considering the problem of the culture of Ukrainian nation, which (culture) іs compared to the bride by the narrator, who takes a chivalrous position towards her) with a new educational concept, which proclaims the value-based education and the cultural literacy of personality as its priorities. According to the author of the paper, Yu. Yanovsky’s works can be presented each time in different ways, depending on the accents of the era – historical, cultural, etc. Therefore, having analyzed the ideological content of «The Master of the Ship», it is worth considering the idea of returning to the motherland, which is re-actualized nowadays, in connection with the russian-Ukrainian war, and which also urges us for a conversation about emigration of the 1920s, the phenomenon of the Prague school of Ukrainian poets, the film «Zvenygora». Then, the parallels with the figures involved in the polylogue (O. Dovzhenko, Ye. Malaniuk) allow us to model the chronological line with the biography of the writer and his era. The alternative way to learn about Yu. Yanovsky is through the image of To-Ma-Ki and the images of other characters, most of which have prototypes. The documentary basis of the novel is only a part of the broad film discourse, which is proposed to be outlined in the form of a mental map. «Unequivocal» statements and forced memorization are not effective in the case of the innovative novel «The Master of the Ship», which also demonstrates the writer's focus on the future, his intention to communicate with a new reader, whom he creates himself.
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