canon, Borys Hrinchenko, children’s literature, short storiesAbstract
The analysis of literary studies shows the dominance of review topics with a prevalence of the contextual approach. The works of Borys Hrinchenko remain included in the educational canon. To add to that, the same text is included by different authors of curricula for students of different age groups. This leads to the problematic question: «What is the phenomenon of Borys Hrinchenko’s artistic word for children?» Literary critics most often mention his knowledge of children’s psyche and his skilful depiction of artistic detail. However, understanding the essence of the canon and its functions shows that this is not enough. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to outline various defining aspects of Borys Hrinchenko’s life experience, as well as the markers of the artistry of the writer’s short fiction, which were discovered after rereading the works, which together ensure the works’ longevity in the canon. To achieve this goal, we will use biographical and textual approaches, as well as the method of receptive aesthetics. Thus, it was found out that in his work «On the Question of the Children’s Reading Magazine in the National Zemstvo School» Borys Hrinchenko clearly stated that there were no works addressed exclusively to children. According to the writer, works can be addressed either to adults or to adults and children simoltaniously. In order for a work to successfully find its recipient, one needs not only knowledge of its portrait but also publishing experience. The power of artistic influence should be seen in the actual subject matter, dynamic conflict, eloquent symbolism, the pacing of the narrative at the climax (an appropriately chosen tempo), visualisation of artistic details, etc. Some of the theses of the article are tested in the monograph by Virchenko T., Kozlov R. The Defiant. The Facets of Borys Hrinchenko’s fate. Kyiv: Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 2023, p. 372.
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