

diary discourse; genre; context; socio-political vocabulary; emotionally-expressive vocabulary; stylistic function.


The article analyzes the genre patterns of the diary text. Its linguistic and stylistic features (brevity, conciseness, fragmentary nature, unprocessed narrative, stylistic incompleteness of the phrase, subtext, abstractness, thesis, fragmentary nature, intimate nature of the narrative) are determined. It is established that the accuracy and brevity of the presentation in the information genre is determined primarily by the functioning of neutral socio-political vocabulary. In V. Vynnychenko’s diary entries, the socio-political vocabulary is represented by two groups. The first reflects the author’s views on the political situation in the country and the world. The second depicts the author’s views on social issues. Using socio-political vocabulary, V. Vynnychenko raises various socially important issues of life of our country, as well as expresses a subjective attitude to certain social and political events, emphasizing the feelings of frustration and emptiness that dominate society. The linguistic means that contribute to the strengthening of the general expressivity of the diary text are identified and analyzed: tokens, in the very meaning of which there is an emotionally expressive shade; word-forming means, which within one token form a certain load; antonyms, synonyms, phraseologies; stringing of nominative sentences. Their use is quite justified and appropriate, because the author tried to convey their experiences, impressions, evaluate the events of that time. Sociopolitical and emotionally-expressive vocabulary in V. Vynnychenko’s diary testifies to the individual-author’s perception of the events of that time. It is a means of conveying the author’s subjective attitude to the described people, actions, phenomena, processes, etc. Lexical and stylistic analysis of the studied texts gives the reasons to claim that V. Vynnychenko’s diary is an example of an original and extraordinary genre. Each analyzed token of the writer’s notes is a component of an extremely rich outline of the whole text. The nominations successfully created by the master of the artistic word surprisingly accurately reflect not only the author’s own worldview, but also figuratively reproduce the peculiarities of the national worldview, fill a certain linguistic and aesthetic niche in a specific speech situation.


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How to Cite

LISHTABA, T., & OHARIENKO, T. (2023). LEXICAL AND STYLISTIC FEATURES OF VLADIMIR VYNNYCHENKO’S DIARY DISCOURSE. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (202), 159–165. Retrieved from https://journals.cusu.in.ua/index.php/philology/article/view/28