


cognitive approach, communicative competence, language personality, future teacher of the Ukrainian language


In the proposed article, Anatoly Vysotskyi and Svitlana Romanchuk analyze one of the components of the professional language competence of future teachers of the Ukrainian language – communicative competence. They note that its formation is possible thanks to the application of a cognitive approach. The authors cover in detail the historiography and semantic delineation of the term "communicative competence". The work describes the cognitive approach as capable of preparing a new generation of specialists in view of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The future teacher of the Ukrainian language must meet the challenges of the times. Therefore, the scientific study substantiates the opinion that the teacher bears a great responsibility to himself, society and God for the formation of relevant knowledge, abilities and skills in the younger generation. Anatoly Vysotskyi and Svitlana Romanchuk justify different approaches to defining communicative competence. The article also analyzes its types: verbal and non-verbal; its three functions are defined: communicative, perceptive and interactive. Since the future teacher of the Ukrainian language is an exponent of a highly spiritual culture who presents himself as a linguistic personality, the work presents definitions of this term. In the scientific work, the authors, focusing on the expediency of using a cognitive approach during the formation of communicative competence of future teachers of the Ukrainian language, suggest starting with familiarization with the concept of "concept". The authors conclude that the use of a cognitive approach during the formation of communicative competence contributes to the adaptation of the language personality of the Ukrainian language teacher to changes in Ukrainian society caused by socio-political factors, in particular, the Russian-Ukrainian war.


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How to Cite

Vysotskyi, A. V., & Romanchuk, S. M. (2024). COGNITIVE APPROACH IN FORMING THE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF FUTURE TEACHERS OF THE UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE. Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки, (208), 78–83.