discourse, discourse analysis, methods of linguistic and cultural studies, methods of literary history, methods of comparative studiesAbstract
The proposed investigation substantiates the specifics of the application of the own methodology of discourse analysis in the study of the multicultural space of the diachronic plurality of Ukrainian retranslations of W. Shakespeare’s tragedies in the 19th–21st centuries, which differs from the methodological principles of the analysis of the macro- and microstructure of the discourse, proposed by T. A. van Dijk. The methodology of discourse analysis involves the use of methods of linguistic and cultural studies and literary studies. Linguistic-cultural analysis of diachronic Ukrainian retranslations of W. Shakespeare’s works involves the use of a cultural-historical method for examining cultural phenomena of W. Shakespeare’s time and the translators of his works in the context of relevant historical eras, and a comparative-linguistic-cultural method for studying how retranslations reflect different historical conditions, which had an impact on the author’s and translators’ individualities. Literary analysis involves the methods of historical literary studies and comparative studies, such as: biographical, hermeneutic, interpretive-textual, and comparative. The application of the biographical method made it possible to examine the life and creative path of W. Shakespeare and the translators of his works, which allowed analyzing the peculiarities of the worldview of the author and translators as unique creative personalities. Hermeneutic and interpretivetextual methods are used to interpret the works of W. Shakespeare and their Ukrainian retranslations with the aim of determining the individual style of the author and translators as a factor in the plurality of interpretations of chronologically distant original works. The comparative method traces the historical evolution of artistic forms and cultural contexts in which original works and their Ukrainian retranslations were created.
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